芬兰-乌戈尔诸语言(Finno-Ugric languages)
乌拉语系两语族中较大的一个语族。通行於数百万人民中,分布於西起挪威西部,东到西伯利亚鄂毕河流域,南至欧洲多瑙河下游这片广大地区。芬兰-乌戈尔语的乌戈尔语支包括匈牙利语和属鄂毕-乌戈尔语的曼西语和汉特语。芬兰语支包括五个分支︰波罗的-芬兰语分支包括芬兰语、爱沙尼亚语、卡累利阿语(包括奥洛涅茨语)、卢茨克语、维普斯语、因格里亚语、利沃尼亚语和沃提克语;彼尔姆语分支由科米语、彼尔米亚克语和乌德穆尔特语组?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/222/322309.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>桑黄溆嗳龇种г蚴堑ザ赖挠镅冤U马里语、莫尔多维亚语和萨米语(即拉普语)。操萨米语各种方言的人彼此很难相互理解,因此,这些方言有时又被划分为各种独立的语言。借词中以印度-伊朗语词最为古老。现代芬兰-乌戈尔诸语言的音位学表现出形式变化多,实际上没有整个语族都具有的共同特点。芬兰-乌戈尔诸语言的书写文字,在俄罗斯境内是使用西里尔字母的变体,而在俄罗斯以外地区则是利用拉丁字母书写。
English version:
Finno-Ugric languages
Branch of the Uralic language family spoken by about 25 million people in northeastern Europe, northern Asia, and (through immigration) North America. More than 20 million are accounted for by two languages, Finnish and Hungarian. The Ugric subbranch comprises Hungarian and Ob-Ugrian. The latter consists of two language complexes of western Siberia, Khanty (Ostyak) and Mansi (Vogul), spoken by fewer than 15,000 people. The Finnic branch comprises the Sami (Saami, Lappish) languages, the Baltic Finnic (Fennic) languages, Mordvin, Mari, and the Permic languages. Sami is spoken by some 20,000 people in northern Scandinavia and adjacent Russia. Baltic Finnic comprises Finnish, Estonian (with 1.1 million speakers worldwide), and a string of declining languages in Latvia and Russia. Mordvin (Mordva) is spoken by 1.1 million people in scattered enclaves of central European Russia. Mari (Cheremis) is also spoken in central Russia and in scattered areas east toward the Urals; its two major varieties have about 600,000 speakers. The Permic (Permian) languages, spread over a broad swath of northeastern European Russia, comprise Udmurt (spoken by some 500,000 people) and Komi (spoken by fewer than 400,000 people but with two literary forms). Finno-Ugric languages written in Russia use variants of the Cyrillic alphabet, while those outside Russia use the Latin alphabet.