
杂烩百科2023-02-02 16:26:29百科


正式名称巴哈马联邦(Commonwealth of the Bahamas)

为约七百座岛屿和许多岩礁组成的群岛国家,位於西印度群岛西北部,即美国佛罗里达州东南方,古巴的北面。面积13,939平方公里。人口约298,000(2001)。首都︰拿骚(位於新普罗维顿斯岛)。人民多为非洲人和欧洲人混血後裔,为以前奴隶买卖的遗产。语言︰英语(官方语)。宗教:基督教。货币:巴哈马元(B$)。主要岛屿分别是(从北到南):大巴哈马、阿巴科、伊柳塞拉、新普洛维顿斯、安德罗斯、卡特和伊纳瓜等,人口多集中在新普洛维顿斯岛。地质结构是由珊瑚礁石灰岩组成,地势一般仅高出海平面数公尺,最高点在卡特岛的阿尔维纳山(海拔63公尺)。各岛均无河流。市场经济以旅游业(赌博是吸引人的主因)和国际金融业为主。大多数的食物从美国进口,该国出口大宗是鱼?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/224/291790.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>屠寄肪啤0凸硎蔷髁⑾芄遥闪皆褐啤?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/224/270990.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>国家元首是总督(代表英国君主),政府首脑为总理。


Bahamas, The

Archipelago and nation consisting of about 700 islands and numerous cays, northwestern edge of the West Indies, lying southeast of Florida and north of Cuba. Area: 5,386 square miles (13,950 square km). Population (2001 est.): 298,000. Capital: Nassau (on New Providence Island). The people are a blend of African and European ancestry, the former a legacy of the slave trade. Language: English (official). Religion: Christianity. Currency: Bahamian dollar. Chief among the islands, from north to south, are Grand Bahama, Abaco, Eleuthera, New Providence, Andros, Cat, and Inagua; New Providence has most of the population. All are composed of coraline limestone and lie mostly only a few feet above sea level; the highest point is Mount Alvernia (206 feet, or 63 metres) on Cat Island. There are no rivers. Its market economy is heavily dependent on tourism, for which gambling is a particular attraction, and on international financial services. Most foodstuffs are imported from the United States; fish and rum are significant exports. It is a constitutional monarchy with two legislative houses; its chief of state is the British monarch, represented by a governor-general, and the head of government is the prime minister. The islands were inhabited by Lucayan Indians when Christopher Columbus sighted them on October 12, 1492. He is thought to have landed on San Salvador (Watling) Island. The Spaniards made no attempt to settle but carried out slave raids that depopulated the islands; when English settlers arrived in 1648 from Bermuda, the islands were uninhabited. They became a haunt of pirates and buccaneers, and few of the ensuing settlements prospered. The islands enjoyed some prosperity following the American Revolution, when loyalists fled the United States and established cotton plantations there. They were a center for blockade runners during the American Civil War. Not until the development of tourism after World War II did permanent economic prosperity arrive. The Bahamas was granted internal self-government in 1964 and became independent in 1973.


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本文标签: 巴哈马  


