
杂烩百科2023-02-02 16:26:06百科


翻译《圣经》的艺术及实务。《旧约》原以希伯来文写成,有些分散的段落为阿拉米文字。最初全文被译为阿拉米文字,然後在西元3世纪被译为希腊文(「七十子希腊文本圣经」)。希伯来学者从阿拉米文「塔古姆」创造出权威的马所拉本(Masoretic text, 6~10世纪),原本的希伯来卷轴已经亡佚。《新约》原为希腊文或阿拉米文。基督教徒把《旧约》和《新约》译为科普特文、衣索比亚文、哥德文、拉丁文。圣哲罗姆的通俗拉丁文本《圣经》(405)是千年以来标准的基督教翻译。15~16世纪的新知产生新的翻译。马丁.路德把整部《圣经》译为德文(1522~1534)。第一部完整的英译本《圣经》(归功於威克利夫)出现於1382年,不过却是詹姆斯国王的版本(1611)成为三百年以上的标准。到20世纪晚期,整部《圣经》已被译为两百五十种语文,部分翻译者超过一千三百种。

biblical translation

Art and practice of translating the Bible. The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew, with scattered passages of Aramaic. It was first translated in its entirety into Aramaic and then, in the 3rd century AD, into Greek (the Septuagint). Hebrew scholars created the authoritative Masoretic text (6th-10th century) from Aramaic Targums, the original Hebrew scrolls having been lost. The New Testament was originally in Greek or Aramaic. Christians translated both Testaments into Coptic, Ethiopian, Gothic, and Latin. St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate (405) was the standard Christian translation for 1,000 years. New learning in the 15th-16th century generated new translations. Martin Luther translated the entire Bible into German (1522-34). The first complete English translation, credited to John Wycliffe, appeared in 1382, but it was the King James version (1611) that became the standard for more than three centuries. By the late 20th century the entire Bible had been translated into 250 languages and portions of it into more than 1,300.

本文标签: 圣经翻译  


