
杂烩百科2023-02-02 16:21:03百科


基本信念、运用於表达相关信念的基本概念分析等范围的评论检视。哲学亦被定义为反映人类经验的多样性,或对所探讨的人类极至关怀主题予以合理的、方法的及系统的考量。哲学需求为许多历史文明之智慧历史中心要素。将训练定义达成一致是极困难的,但这亦部分反映了哲学家们通常都来自不同领域及其意欲对不同经验范畴提出见解的现象。世界伟大的宗教均创造出影响深远的应用哲学学派。西方哲学家如阿奎那(Thomas Aquinas)、伯克来(George Berkeley)及齐克果(Soren Kierkegaard)将哲学视为扞卫宗教,和消弭唯物主义(materialism)与唯理论(rationalism)反宗教错误的方式;毕达哥拉斯(Pythagoras)、笛卡儿(Rene Descartes)及罗素(Bertrand Russell)等哲人则为重要数学家,他们对现实的观点和知识深受数学所影响;柏拉图、霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes)和弥尔(John Stuart Mill)所关注的主要是政治哲学(political philosophy);前苏格拉底、培根(Francis Bacon)与怀海德(Alfred North Whitehead)等诸多学者则是以自然界的实体组成物为理论起点。其他哲学领域尚包括美学、认识论、道德论、逻辑、形上学(metaphysics)、心灵哲学及哲学人类学(philosophical anthropology)。参阅analytic philosophy、Continental philosophy、feminist philosophy、political philosophy、science, philosophy of。


Critical examination of the grounds for fundamental beliefs and analysis of the basic concepts employed in the expression of such beliefs. Philosophy may also be defined as reflection on the varieties of human experience, or as the rational, methodical, and systematic consideration of the topics that are of greatest concern to mankind. Philosophical inquiry is a central element in the intellectual history of many historical civilizations. Difficulty in achieving a consensus about the definition of the discipline partly reflects the fact that philosophers have frequently come to it from different fields and have preferred to reflect on different areas of experience. The world's great religions have all produced significant allied philosophical schools. Such Western philosophers as Thomas Aquinas, George Berkeley, and Soren Kierkegaard saw philosophy as a means to defend religion and dispel the antireligious errors of materialism and rationalism. Pythagoras, Rene Descartes, and Bertrand Russell, among others, were primarily mathematicians whose views of reality and knowledge were influenced by mathematics. Such figures as Plato, Thomas Hobbes, and John Stuart Mill were primarily concerned with political philosophy. The Pre-Socratics, Francis Bacon, and Alfred North Whitehead, among many others, started from an interest in the physical composition of the natural world. Other philosophical fields include aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, logic, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, and philosophical anthropology. See also analytic philosophy, Continental philosophy, feminist philosophy, political philosophy, philosophy of science.


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