
杂烩百科2023-02-02 16:20:56百科


美国总统罗斯福在1933~1939年间实施的调整经济的内政纲领。新政这个词出自1932年罗斯福在接受总统提名时的演说,他承诺「给美国人民一项新政」。新政的立法主要在1933年的头三个月(罗斯福的「百日」)里颁布实施。建立了一些机构,诸如民政署和公共资源保护队来缓解失业;国家复兴署来复兴工业生产;联邦储蓄保险公司和证券交易委员会来规范金融机构;农业调整署来支援农业生产;田纳西河流域管理局来提供公用电力和控制洪水。立法的第二阶段(1935~1936)常被称为第二次新政,建立全国劳工关系局、工程进度管理署和社会保障系统。有些立法被美国最高法院宣布为违宪,有些计画没有实现目标,但许多改革被後来的行政部门继续下去,永久地改变了政府的角色。亦请参阅Public Works Administration。

New Deal

U.S. domestic program of Pres. Franklin Roosevelt to bring economic relief (1933-39). The term was taken from Roosevelt's speech accepting the 1932 presidential nomination, in which he promised “a new deal for the American people.” New Deal legislation was enacted mainly in the first three months of 1933 (Roosevelt's “hundred days”) and established such agencies as the Civil Works Administration and the Civilian Conservation Corps to alleviate unemployment, the National Recovery Administration to revive industrial production, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and the Securities and Exchange Commission to regulate financial institutions, the Agricultural Adjustment Administration to support farm production, and the Tennessee Valley Authority to provide public power and flood control. A second period of legislation (1935-36), often called the second New Deal, established the National Labor Relations Board, the Works Progress Administration, and the social security system. Some legislation was declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court, and some programs did not accomplish their aims, but many reforms were continued by later administrations and permanently changed the role of government. See also Public Works Administration.


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本文标签: 新政  


