Bach, Johann Sebastian
English version:
Bach, Johann Sebastian
German composer. Born in the village of Eisenach to a musical family, he became a superbly well-rounded musician; from 1700 he held positions as singer, violinist, and organist. His first major appointment, in 1708, was as organist at the ducal court at Weimar. This was followed by a six-year stay (1717-23) as kapellmeister at the princely court of C?then, which was in turn followed by his appointment as cantor at the great church of St. Thomas in Leipzig, where he would remain the rest of his life. Imbued with the northern German contrapuntal style from early childhood, he encountered the lively Italian style, especially in the works of A. Vivaldi, around 1710, and much of his music embodies an immensely convincing melding of the two styles. At St. Thomas he wrote over 200 church cantatas. His orchestral works include the six Brandenburg Concertos, the four orchestral suites, and many harpsichord concertos, a genre he invented. His solo keyboard works include the great didactic set The Well-Tempered Clavier, the huge but unfinished Art of the Fugue, the superb Goldberg Variations, numerous suites, and many organ preludes and fugues. His surviving choral works include (in addition to the sacred cantatas) over 30 secular cantatas, two monumental Passions, and the Mass in B Minor. His works, never widely known in his lifetime, went into near-total eclipse after his death, and only in the early 19th century were they revived, to enormous acclaim. He was perhaps the greatest organist and harpsichordist of his time. Today Bach is regarded as the greatest composer of the baroque era, and, by many, as the greatest composer of all time.
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