Schliemann, Heinrich
德国考古学家,特洛伊、迈锡尼和梯林斯的发掘人。在年幼时热爱荷马史诗,最後学习了古代和现代希腊语,以及其他一些语言。後来在克里米亚战争中从事军火生意,赚了一笔财富并在三十六岁时退休,从事考古工作。1873年他在土耳其的希萨利克(Hissarlik)发现了古特洛伊城遗址(证实了特洛伊战争这一历史事件)和一个金质珠宝的宝藏(「普里阿摩斯宝藏」),并将其走私出了土耳其。因鄂图曼政府阻止了他返回,他转而在希腊发掘迈锡尼城,并在那里发现了价值更高的遗物和财宝。1878年他和德普菲尔德(W. Dorpfeld)一起继续对希萨利克进行发掘,将遗址地层更加清晰地展现出来,并使用了先进的考古技术。1884年他们发掘了梯林斯防御坚固的遗址。谢里曼的发掘工作使历史远景得以延长,并普及了考古学。着作虽然大多是捏造的,但其贡献却是重大的。
English version:
Schliemann, Heinrich
German archaeologist and excavator of Troy, Mycenae, and Tiryns. As a boy he loved the Homeric poems, and he eventually learned ancient and modern Greek and many other languages. As a military contractor in the Crimean War he made a sufficient fortune to retire (at 36) and devote himself to archaeology. In 1873, at Hissarlik, Turkey, he discovered the remains of ancient Troy (verifying the historical event of the Trojan War) and a treasure of gold jewelry (“Priam's Treasure”), which he smuggled out of the country. Because the Ottoman government prevented his return, he began excavating Mycenae in Greece, where he found more invaluable remains and treasures. He and Wilhelm D?rpfeld (1853-1940) resumed work at Hissarlik in 1878, exposing the stratigraphy more clearly and advancing archaeological technique. In 1884 they excavated the great fortified site at Tiryns. Schliemann's excavations helped lengthen considerably the perspective of history and popularize archaeology. His contributions were genuine, though his written accounts contain many self-serving fabrications.